Posted on 12/02/2023

5 Easy Ways to Make a Bad Impression When Answering Job Questions

They are just simple job interview questions so why worry so much about it, when what matters here is that you know you are technically qualified. If you continue along this line of thought then I will tell you this: there are no good jobs available for you. You need to think twice before getting inside a room for an interview, because maybe it is not clear to you, but job questions during interviews determine whether your character is qualified or not regardless of what’s written in your resume.

Job interview questions are the means by which the interviewer is able to make the yes or no decision for the job. Gunning for the winning answers for the job queries would certainly secure you a golden place in the potential list of candidates with the employer. Believe me I have been there, and luckily enough I have five easy ways to make a terrible impression during answering job questions that I am willing to share with you.

First, if the interviewer asked you a job queries that you know the answer to, just pretend to know it and create a fake story. Along the way the interviewer will certainly know you are making up tales to cover your lapses; eventually it will show and in that way you will create a bad impression.

Secondly, when an interviewer asks you a job question that requires specific answers, do not provide a specific answer – you may deliver answers that will leave your interviewer hanging.

Third, do not prepare job questions of your own, just let the interviewer ask all the job interview questions and pretend that you understand everything. Besides you do not need to show interest by asking job questions, your interviewer should do all the asking.

Fourth, if the interviewer asks you a job question regarding why they should hire you, give them an answer that will make them doubt you. Answer this question with uncertainty such as “I don’t know, that it is for you to find out”. Do not assure them that you will give your best.

Lastly, when the interviewer asks you whether you will stay with the company long or how committed you are to doing the job offered, tell him/her that they cannot expect more from you than what you are willing to give. Just follow these five steps in answering job questions during interviews and rest assured you will see your resume directly headed to the trash bin. Think twice and be wise.

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