Posted on 14/01/2023

Federal Resume Writing – Federal Jobs

This Is How to get A Federal Job

First of all you have to know where the jobs are.

In a recent survey it was found (survey by that the top city for jobs in the entire United States is Washington D.C.

Here are the top ten in order listed with how many jobs are available per 1000 residents:

1. Washington, DC – 133 (postings per 1,000 people)

2. Baltimore, MD – 90

3. San Jose, CA – 80

4. Austin, TX – 56

5. Hartford, CT – 54

6. Seattle, WA – 53

7. Salt Lake City, UT – 52

8. Denver, CO – 50

9. Boston, MA – 49

10. Las Vegas, NV – 49

(Charlotte, NC, also with 49 postings per 1,000 residents, takes the eleventh spot on the list.)

So the first step, if you will do anything to get a Federal job, is to look in these areas for employment. This doesn’t mean there aren’t jobs in other cities, it only means these are the cities with the most jobs.

OK step two: Visit the governments website Here you will find every job ( well almost every job) open in the federal government. there are other places to look but this is the website that lists the vast majority of the positions available.

When you see a position you qualify for study the announcement very closely, if there is something you do not quite understand, you can call a Federal Career Consultant and they can answer any questions you may have.

Now Pick 1 or 2 or 3 positions you would like to apply for.

Step 3: Once you have decided which positions you will apply for it is time to get your federal resume and supplemental documents written and submitted.

I will be frank with you here, you can try to wrestle through this process yourself, and believe me the preparation of a Federal government application package is difficult and tediously detailed work. Or you can have a professional resume writer do it for you.

That ultimately is your decision, but I strongly suggest that you hire a professional. The main reason is that these positions are very competitive, hundreds of people apply for them and you have to do all you can to make sure that you are one of the ones that gets called in for the all important interview.

There is no substitute for a real experienced Professional Federal Resume writing service (yes they do cost money to hire). They know the correct words to use they know the correct forms to use, they know and are very familiar with all the procedures and rules associated with he application process. A truly qualified Federal Resume writer is worth his or her weight in gold. and they will (or they should) Guarantee their services.

Look at your application requirements and if you are serious about this process, hire a professional Federal Resume Writer. Then again you can try it on your own. But when you don’t get called do not “fool yourself” and make up some reason that you didn’t get called, there are only 2 reasons:

1. Someone actually read through your entire resume package I.E. your resume, the supplemental documents Ksa’s or ECQ’s or PTQ’s etc and then determined that you weren’t qualified. That doesn’t usually happen because most people apply for jobs they are qualified for.


2. The hiring committee never saw your resume because it never made it through the initial steps to get to the step where a real person actually got to see the documents. In other words your package wasn’t written correctly!

Good Luck. I hope you are willing work harder than your competitors are to get your Federal Job!

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