Posted on 29/03/2023

How to Write a Resume

So, you have finally graduated after years spent working your way through school, and you are now ready to begin your career and are on your job hunt. Congratulations! Now, you want to know how to write a resume, and I am here to tell you that there are many ways for you to do this, and many places that you can go to get the help you need, and gain confidence along the way. Let’s get started, shall we?

A resume should follow the format of a typical business letter. At the top should be the heading, your main information such as your name, address, phone number, as well as an email address and cell phone number, if you have them. Hopefully, you do have one or the other, at least an email address, so the employer has a couple of options to contact you.

This information should be in a basic, easy to read font, in the color black, and bolded.

Now, assuming that you are a new graduate asking how to write a resume, your educational degree/s should be listed next. What educational facility or facilities you attended, for what time period, and the degree/s you earned.

Space down a few times, and state your career objective. Be careful when doing this, however; employers are not happy to see objectives which they define as too general, explain exactly what skills you are hoping to utilize for their company, let them know also what you are hoping to become more proficient at while employed at their company.

Go down a couple more spaces, and then start listing your employment history, starting with the position that you held most recently, and working back from there. Include here not only your duties, but any special projects that you took on while you were there, accomplishments, improvements you made, and any committees that benefited from your contribution.

Give special homage to and of these activities that you excelled at, which relate to the job you are presently seeking, of course.

Once you have listed your employment history, space down some more and list your extracurricular activities, sports, clubs, as well as any special designations you may have. For instance, if you are looking for work in the legal field and are already certified as a Notary Public, definitely mention this, as Notaries Public are very important in many fields of law, as well as in some other professions.

If all of this information can fit on one page, that is the way most employers prefer it. However, do not ever leave out anything pertinent to the job you are applying for just to save space, by all means, go on to a second sheet of paper.

Now, this is only one example of how to write a resume. If you would like to explore perhaps some more sophisticated options, or just would like a variety to mull over, you have plenty of things that you can do.

You can locate a resume template, even download it if you choose and be quite confident that you will be formatting everything correctly.

You could also contact a resume writing service, or seek advice from the Placement Office at your college or university. There are endless options for you, the sky’s the limit, so go forth and create a resume to get you the job of your dreams!!

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