Posted on 06/02/2023

How to Write the Best Resume That Sells You in the KPO Industry

Employers all over the world are flooded with hundreds of resumes from a pool of talented personnel. In such a circumstances it truly becomes impossible for an employer to scrutinize each and every resume that he or she receives. When it comes to KPO industry it becomes more important from your end to base your CV only on the salable traits of yours that would make you an indispensable candidate for the employer. To get the prospective employer hooked to your CV and to get an initial ‘yes’ from his or her end it is highly important to robe your resume with all the necessary attainments. Otherwise you might be a deserving candidate but if your resume is not fashioned in an attractive and alluring format you might kiss a swift goodbye to a good prospective career. You shouldn’t take that chance. Therefore here is a checklist on how you should prepare your resume that sizzles the on looker on the very first glance.

Keep these simple yet salable points in mind. Your resume would never ever go in vain.

a) Keep an unfailing eye on the appearance: Mind you, it is an attribute that would make your resume or CV look quite different from the rest which would be waiting on the desk of the employers. It should have an appeal in it. We are living in an age where looks matter the most. To add that zing to your resume, you can choose to make a visual CV that would instantly captivate the employer. You can choose to make the hard copy of your resume appealing enough with decent style. Take care of the bullets and fonts as well as headings you are going to use. Your CV should present a picture of your neatness and cleanliness. The employer would like to see the reflection of the same in every piece of writing that you would take up on behalf of the company. Take care of the margins in your résumé. It should be balanced and even on both sides. As regards the resume materials you can simply go for ivory papers, papers with light grey color or the universally accepted white papers.

b) Make use of a chronological resume format: A recent survey reveals the fact that chronological resume works much better on the internet job boards. At the same time there are a good number of employers who would like to receive chronological resume formats only. It is easy for them to make a scrutiny of the credentials of the candidate at a go. The sequential order of the resume is a great facility of this type of a resume. The employment history as well as the key accomplishments of the candidate are the major criteria of this kind of a resume format. In other words by choosing this resume style you only choose to present those information bases that would be of some use to the prospective employers.For example, in a chronological resume, a content writer or KPO professional can best elucidate his or her relevant skills. It is a dependable tool to make you employable.

c) In KPO industry content is regarded as king: So take very good care of the content that you are going to weave into the texture of your resume. Every word of the resume should be deeply thought over. Get it into your psyche that your content is the ultimate weapon that is going to win you over the prospective employer. Through it you can show to the employer what you can do for them and how they are going to benefit from your contribution in the company. Also make it a point of making use of the industry specific buzz words in describing your employment history or job responsibilities.

d) Get the detailed information about the key functional areas: When you write the resume for a prospective employer try to get the detailed information about the key functional areas of the concerned company. It would help you out to match or present your qualities in such a fashion that would perfectly go with the company needs. For example if you are applying for the position of a writer in a technical writing concern and if you have already written on different technical gadgets, application of various technical apparatus or if you have personally studied about the rules, format, presentation as well as challenges of technical writing, or if you have worked on technical writing as a freelancer don’t hesitate to mention it. It would solidify your position.

e) Be cautious about the length of the resume. Don’t make it unnecessarily longer. Unnecessary length creates boredom in the employers. Content wise your resume should be rich not overburdened.

f) Inclusion of software skills: would act as an added advantage if you are writing the resume for a technical writing position. For example- SheerSEO, Google Analytics, Google friend connect etc.

g) Presenting previous experience: If you have already worked in a KPO concern, then you have to include all the essential job responsibilities that you have performed in this trade such as- data harvesting, legal consulting, data conversion, content development, transcription services, designing jobs, image editing, flyer designs, banner designs, news letter services, web support services, medical writing etc. while you describe each of the job description then make it a point to minutely add details that would showcase how effectively and efficiently you have performed the services from your end.

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