Posted on 21/01/2023

Resume Writing Guides Are The Best Tool You Can Use To Get A Job Now

I thought my resume was impressive until I read a resume writing guide. At this point I knew my resume was missing a lot of components that employers were seeking. So much so that I decided to give my resume an upgrade. The resume writing guide taught me that the stone-age format I was using was not reflecting my assets. Resumes that only list an objective, education and experience are outdated.

In the last several years the business world has changed. This change has meant businesses are more streamlined than ever before. Companies want employees that bring the most benefits to the company. A standard formatted resume does not show all your strengths. When I read a resume writing guide I learned how to add strengths to my resume. You see you can’t just say I am an excellent listener. Strengths have to be added in the proper context. In my resume it meant indicated how I created a project, worked extra hours and saved my employer thousands. Sound impressive? It looks great on my resume.

The resume writing guide also gave me some pointers on changing the design style of my resume. I created a larger margin on the left side of my resume so I could include non standard information. In my case I put some graphics and quotes. Yes I dressed my resume up with colorful pictures. I even used quotes that illustrated the type person I was. Where did I get the information? From the internet and other employers. It was simple for me to re design my resume once I realize how these features polished my resume.

Since the resume is all about me I also learned to use terms that describe me. I mean terms that show what type worker I am. In my case I like to finish jobs and often times this means working extra time. I also enjoy working with people in a learning environment. Teaching gives me a high unlike any thing else I have done. The resume writing guide helped me express all this in my resume.

I never realized how much a resume could say until recently. Resumes should be about more that where you have been. They need to show employers your achievements and personality in a creative manner that is interesting.

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