Posted on 18/01/2023

Resume Writing – Three Words For a Recession Resume

“Resume how to” is all about words: what you say and what you do not say. Here are three powerful resume writing words to impress employers and show you have intelligence and can communicate.

Adapt – This word shows you can be flexible and change with the needs of the employer. The word “adapt” means to change or adjust. Using this word alone (as with most resume words) does not do much. You must show how you are adaptable. (Yes you can use the word in any of the forms: adapt, adapting, adapted, adaptable.)

Stating: “I am adaptable,” does not tell an employer anything. Use a specific experience when you were adaptable.

For example:

“Adapted to new tasks and working hours when company laid off seven per cent of work force, which contributed to a profitable year.” or “Increased market share 12% by adapting new selling skills and training staff.”

In the first example statement you are showing your adaptability. In the second one the word adapting is used to show your flexibility in learning. The business climate can change quickly and employers want adaptable employees.

Devise – This is a great and versatile word that can show your ingenuity. This resume word must also be backed by real accomplishments.


“Devised an emergency plan that included off site data storage.”

“When layoffs were imminent, devised part-time, flexible work share program to keep valuable employees.”

“Improved towing capability by devising chain loop for auto trailer.”

“After acquisition of several smaller CPA firms, devised a system to outsource a portion of workload that resulted in an increase in profits”

If you can show how you have devised a system, plan, strategy, device, idea, or principle that benefited a previous employer, you will add to your candidate value.

Insure – Insure is a terrific resume writing word especially for times of recession. Businesses (humans) are motivated by fear and anything or anyone that can provide insurance is welcome.

“Imposed employee safety program to insure minimal labor losses that reduced accidents by 7% in the first year.”

“Made weekly contact with all clients to insure satisfaction and that maintained a 99% client retention rate.”

“Performed time studies and adjusted work schedules to insure a profitable x-ray unit.”

Spending a little extra time resume writing can make all the difference on being chosen for an interview. Match your skills and abilities and accomplishments with these recession power words. Get more resume how to information from the free Resume Dictionary.

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