Posted on 12/02/2023

Sample Letter of Interest As an Adjunct Professor

The initial letter of interest as an adjunct professor is an important document when applying for available positions. It is even more important when it is being sent “cold” to schools for which you would like to teach. There are certain elements in this letter that should be adhered to when it is prepared.

In the first paragraph of the letter, you should let the reader know the letter’s intent. State that you are sending this letter as an application for an existing opening or that you are inquiring as to the availability of adjunct teaching. There will be less confusion if you would indicate your teaching preferences. Also, let them know if you prefer to teach on ground, online, or both.

A letter of interest as an adjunct professor should be relatively short, easily contained on one page with plenty of white space. In fact, the letter should be no longer than three paragraphs. Do not expect the reader to take up much time reading cover letters.

The second paragraph has two parts. The first part is to describe your teaching experience including: How many years that you have taught and at what level, what courses you have taught, if they were graduate or undergraduate courses, and any experience you have had with adult education or teaching diverse cultures. The second part should indicate the courses that are offered by the University that you have taught or can teach. This can be obtained from the school catalog.

The third paragraph should indicate anything special about you including teaching awards or honors you have received. You can also include anything of value that would indicate that you are an outstanding professor. If there is nothing worthy of including, then leave this paragraph out.

The last paragraph should indicate your education. This should include your undergraduate and graduate institutions and what your major was. If you received any special training or earned any certifications, this is the place to include them. Then you should courteously end the letter.

Your goal in a letter of interest as an adjunct professor is to make the recipient aware of your qualifications and to understand that you would be an asset to their institution, without taking much of their time. Then, if there are any openings or available teaching slots, you will now have a much better chance of landing the position.

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